Author: cybercasefiles

Operation ‘KeePassed’

Case Reference: BH/2024/12/JO The Hidden Dangers of Malicious Software Downloads: Malware and Backdoors in Cybersquatted Versions In the fast-paced world of business, efficiency often means using the right tools, sometimes even opting for “free” versions of popular software to cut costs. But here’s the catch – downloading software from unverified sources, especially cybersquatted websites, can […]

Operation ‘PhantomAdmin’

Case Reference: SG/2024/12/JO Unmasking a Deceptive Microsoft Teams Attack In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, social engineering remains one of the most effective tools in a cybercriminal’s arsenal. Our latest investigation, Operation Phantom Admin, uncovered a sophisticated attack where a threat actor exploited both technology and human trust to infiltrate an organization. It all began with […]